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» What curative treatments currently exist for AMD?

What curative treatments currently exist for AMD?

A retinal condition that alters central vision in over 50s, age-related macular degeneration or AMD is the primary cause of visual impairment in older people in Western countries. While the dry form of AMD cannot be treated, today there exist several treatments for wet AMD.


The different clinical forms of AMD


AMD presents under different clinical forms: dry AMD and wet AMD. The two both affect the macula, the central part of the retina.



  • Dry or atrophic form: characterized by a slow and progressive loss in the sharpness of vision, dry AMD causes a thinning of the macula due to an accumulation of protein in the retina. A disease that cannot be treated, it makes up more than 80% of cases of age-related macular degeneration.
  • Wet or exudative form: less common, wet AMD is characterized by the growth of fragile blood vessels that accumulate on the macula and deform it. The exudative form causes more cases of total blindness, but it can be subject to several possible curative treatments.



Possible treatments for wet AMD


Several possible treatments exist for wet AMD. In the majority of cases, these treatments stop the progression of the disease, and, sometimes, cause symptoms to regress.


  • Intravitreal injections:


Intravitreal injections are delivered directly into the eye. They enable anti-VEGF drugs, like ranibizumab or aflibercept to be administered.

To be most effective, injections must be given at the earliest possible stage in the development of the disease.


  • Surgical laser treatment:


Surgical laser treatment can be used with the aim of destroying the new blood vessels and reducing risks of hemorrhage in the macula. While this technique doesn’t improve the patient’s vision, it can slow the effects of the disease.


  • Dynamic phototherapy:


An alternative to intravitreal injections, dynamic phototherapy is advised in cases of contraindication to anti-VEGF drugs. The intervention involves an intravitreal injection of verteporfin, a substance that enables the destruction of the blood vessels under the effect of light.


Over the past fifteen years, AMD treatment protocols have vastly progressed, offering better prospects for patients.