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How is a visually impaired child schooled in France?
How is a visually impaired child schooled in France?
In France, education is obligatory for children from the age of three until the age of sixteen. This concerns all children, including those who are affected by disability. Disabled children can, however, request specific arrangements, notably when it comes to the schooling of visually impaired children. Read more
Using augmented reality to assist the visually impaired
Using augmented reality to assist the visually impaired
Welcomed as revolutionary a few years back, augmented reality has, however, known some ups and downs in terms of its application in the medical world. It’s considered one of the most promising types of digital technology, especially in the area of assistance to people affected by visual impairment. Here’s an overview of innovations under development in the sector. Read more
Cooking made easier for people with visual impairment
Cooking made easier for people with visual impairment
Cooking is an everyday task that may seem simple, but it easily becomes complicated when one is affected by disability. From chopping vegetables to cooking meat, sight guides us in all of our movements. Learning to cook safely when one suffers from visual impairment is, however, possible when one follows the right advice and appropriate tips. Read more
What types of low vision aids are there to help people with AMD in their daily lives?
What types of low vision aids are there to help people with AMD in their daily lives?
While there is currently no curative treatment for AMD, various devices exist that can facilitate vision in daily life.
With some training, these precious pieces of equipment can quickly become indispensable for everyday tasks. Read more
Seventy-somethings are leading increasingly active lives
Seventy-somethings are leading increasingly active lives
Recent studies have revealed that Europeans aged over 55 are more and more active in their daily lives. On average, they dedicate six hours per day to leisure activities that are diverse and varied. Read more